Publié le par George Onsy's Egyptian Surrealism: Mystic Art and


I don’t wish you
“A merry Christmas” !!
I do wish you
Never .. Never 
A market-enslaved 
A Christmas that
Takes much more
Than the traditional
And is not just, 
As some insist 
On calling it, 
“Season celebrations”.
A Christmas that
Brings into our life
Emanuel: God with us
Who’s all wishing to
Dwell among us,
The eternal spiritual 
Into the temporal physical
For an endless joy
In the HERE and NOW
That can never be 
Taken away 
When we leave.
This is the real 
Heavenly present,
Life-changing gift
That you’ll surely not
Find in the shadow of
Any decorated tree.

George Onsy
(With my icon: “The incarnation of the UNBEGUN into the History” painted in Paris 1982 where I preferred to sign it with my full name; G. Onsy Morcos)

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